Flugzeug von unten

Our vision

Emden Airport is the leading aviation and logistics location at the German North Sea.

Our mission

As an important transportation hub, we connect the region with Europe. 

Our strategy

As a high-quality service location, we are constantly developing it, ensuring safety and striving to make the best use of available infrastructure and technology.

Community of Interest of the Regional Airfields E.V

Strong together, self-sufficient locally


Flugplatz Emden GmbH is a member of the Interessengemeinschaft der regionalen Flugplätzen e.V. (IDRF). Founded in 2005, the association has brought together more than 70 regional airports, commercial airfields, and various companies with an affinity to the aviation industry from Germany and Switzerland.

The objectives of the IDRF include a typical representation of members' interests, the best possible use of existing capacities and aeronautical facilities, and the preservation and expansion of Germany's current aviation infrastructure. In addition, the IDRF performs public relations work for its members vis-à-vis the public and the media. It also represents them vis-à-vis licensing authorities and other government institutions, e.g., in making statements on legislation affecting aviation.

The members also cooperate on the topic of economic efficiency. To reduce costs, efficient solutions must be found for upcoming everyday tasks, not least because of the financial pressure from new European directives. For example, a joint approach is needed here to strengthen German air traffic.
To organize the cooperation, working meetings of the general managers of all member airfields are held every six months. The preparation, moderation and follow-up of these meetings, and the coordination of the different projects, are done by the IDRF board.

Aviation Park North Sea sees its membership in the IDRF first and foremost as part of its service to its customers, whether private individuals or business people. After all, it is an essential link for traffic between the mainland, the Frisian islands, Emden as a business location, other airports and the offshore industry.