Climate and environmental protection at Aviation Park North Sea
Doubly sustainable action: From landlords and tenantsIn times of climate change, the issue of sustainability must not be allowed to bypass supposedly less sustainable areas such as air travel. Aviation Park North Sea, therefore not only ensures high climate and nature protection through its focus on wind energy. At the site itself, no stone is left unturned to operate sustainably and in line with the future.
In times of climate change, the issue of sustainability must not be allowed to bypass supposedly less sustainable areas such as air travel. Aviation Park North Sea, therefore not only ensures high climate and nature protection through its focus on wind energy. At the site itself, no stone is left unturned to operate sustainably and in line with the future.
Emden Airfield aims to develop its essential role as a service location for the offshore wind energy industry in the German North Sea in a sustainable and ecologically credible manner. He will thus take on a role model function in the market.
The airfield's objective is to complete the projects over which it has sole control by 2030. Wherever possible, sub-projects or individual measures are implemented promptly.
We live sustainability and have firmly anchored it in our corporate strategy. The holistic concept "Green Airfield - Less CO2, Less Kerosene" is already underway.

In concrete terms, this means that we are already pursuing projects on the following topic - in cooperation with the state of Lower Saxony as well as German Air Traffic Control and Braunschweig Research Airport :
- Digitization of air traffic control (Remote Tower Centre)
Furthermore, we deal with the following aspects:
- Self-sufficient/decentralized energy generation and decentralized energy use
- Use of PV on hall roofs, wind turbines, energy storage, charging infrastructure for cars
- Use of intelligent technologies for operational control
- Alternative drives for airport vehicles and aircraft (hybrid, electric, H2, etc.)
- Creation of needs-based charging infrastructure for e-aircraft
- Sustainable building (materials, intelligent geometry, energy planning/reduction of primary energy demand, the greening of buildings, design of small biotopes etc.)
To sustainably reduce our environmental impact, we only use green electricity and aim to cover the entire airfield with our electricity in the optimum case. Therefore, we can make good use of suitable areas on our premises.

unsere Ziele
The Aviation Park 2030More: Use of photovoltaics on hall roofs, wind turbines, energy storage, charging infrastructure for cars, hybrid, electric and hydrogen. More intelligent operation control technologies. Innovative geometry, energy planning, building greening, and creation of small biotopes.
Less: Primary energy demand, CO₂ and kerosene.